Women’s Health

Women’s Health Physiotherapist

Lucy has undertaken extensive specialised training through the Women’s Health Training Association, tailored specifically to help all sorts of conditions experienced by women of all ages.

Lucy has completed a year long course at the UniSA achieving a post graduate certificate in the Conservative Management of Pelvic Organ Prolapse and is fully qualified to fit pessaries.

Women's Health specialist Lucy Forbes explains a model of a pelvis to a female patient

Women's Health Physiotherapist

Maria has also undergone extensive training through the Women’s Health Training Associates. She has a strong interest in postnatal rehabilitation, as well as treating pelvic pain, including dyspareunia. 

Maria is keen to empower and help support young mothers with their breastfeeding journey, and can help treat blocked ducts through the use of therapeutic ultrasound, and gentle massage.  

Women's Health specialist Lucy Forbes explains a pessary to a female patient

Professional Development

Maria and Lucy both have a commitment to continuing professional development. 

Lucy and Maria are active members of several professional organisations, some of which include: